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Posted: May 17th, 2010, 4:57 pm
by ATG Bot
What does your screen name mean?
Mitten: Hmm I picked "mitten" because for about 5 months of the year I never leave the door without my mittens. So I figured, "hey! why not use mitten?".

How long ago did you start playing Video Games?
Mitten: Ever since I could push buttons. Although I've always played RPGs and just recently started with FPS.

What other games do you play (or have you played in the past)?
Mitten: Hmm I've played a lot of RPGs and a bit of everything here and there, but I guess my favorites would be Persona 4 and the most repetitive but addicting Harvest Moon 64.

Have you ever played games competitively?
Mitten: Nope, I guess I only play games for my own enjoyment? And majority of the games I play don't have a competitive aspect to it.

What is your favorite thing about Addiction to Gaming?
Mitten: The players, I guess you can say I'm a newbie at tf2 (I started playing October 2009). Everyone is so willing to teach me things I don't know, and just the all around skills that the players have always improves my own game play.

What are some suggestions that you could give to ATG to improve our community?
Mitten: Hmm this one I'm kind of drawing a blank because this is my first time being part of a gaming community, but id say keep up with these player involvement activities. It really makes it feel like home, you know?

What classes do you play in tf2?
Mitten: Medic, pyro, engineer. I'm in the process of learning to be a solider.
