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Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 2:04 am
by Tahko
Wait, an AD champion that uses spells to DPS? The fuck.

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: August 22nd, 2011, 7:24 pm
by Light Of Darkness
See: Renekton, Lee Sin (to an extent)

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 11:36 am
by Avatar
Looked over some patch notes.

The nidalee nerfs are a good change, especially the mana cost/healing of her heal. Seeing as approximately 100% of every nidalee i ever play with/against never gets an mp/5 item this is going to be a nice change.

The garen buffs are a bit excessive imo, an extra 25 armor/MR at low levels is a pretty big buff for only 1 rank in the spell. Otherwise, fine.

Morgana buffs are good, shes pretty shit compared to lux.

Gangplank nerf to 3 stacks instead of 4 grog soaked blade isnt going to change anything, Just get a phage/triforce and you're set. The parlay reduction in gold is a minor change, not enough to really change much in the short term, you should still be able to get sufficient farm in through that. Same with raise morale, 3 AD/3% movement speed at max rank (you probably build this close to last anyways) when you already have 1-2 PDs is pretty negligible. Overall, I think he's still going to stay super-carry status.

The tear of the goddess change is a good quality of life change, the quicksilver sash to unique is unnecessary.


Annie changes are good, a slight nerf but not too strong, doubt it will change anything though, the real problem with her is the level6loltibbers nuke.

Kayle's new passive. ROFL

TF's gate change is good. I forget how to play TF though. :C

Tryndamere changes seem? like a nerf almost though I'm not 100% sure. He seems dangerous at low healths though, but the critical strike damage loss seeems like its going to be noticable. at 1% health though, he gains 35 AD and 35% extra critical strike. nice buff.

No trundle nerfs. Time to troll.

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 12:00 pm
by Light Of Darkness
Trundle IIRC is the only champion to not have received balance changes.
Annie could nuke people at level 6 even before her buffs, just throwing that out there.
Kayle's new passive was shit, since a bug with all percentage resist shreds made it so that it only took base resists into account, shredding a mere 5 MR and armor when the target has like 200 of each

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 4th, 2011, 12:48 am
by Light Of Darkness
Singed VS Singed
"I'm sure I can fling him before he flings me"
They end up at opposite sides of the map

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 4th, 2011, 5:51 am
by Killer
prepare for wall of text
so basically this shitty 2/13 rammus tried to convince me that his score was just "bad luck" and that jax is the most op champion in the game and that i should have been a better ganking shaco even though the score was 0/4 in the first 5 minutes.

SwiftSwitch (4:36): you are a bad troll btw
MlSAKA10032 (4:36): wasnt trolling, just bad luck
   look at the 2 games before this one where i played rammus
SwiftSwitch (4:37): umad isnt trolling?
MlSAKA10032 (4:37): nah
   it was a genuine question
   alistar seemed upset
SwiftSwitch (4:37): 2 games before this one doesnt change the fact that you fed
MlSAKA10032 (4:37): and? jax is broken
SwiftSwitch (4:37): using an excuse like luck wont get you through like
MlSAKA10032 (4:38): sure it will
SwiftSwitch (4:38): jax is not broken
MlSAKA10032 (4:38): jax is broken
   read the forums
SwiftSwitch (4:38): he is one of the easiest champs to counter
   its called sword of divine
   and you just cc him
MlSAKA10032 (4:38): sword of the divine*
SwiftSwitch (4:38): you taunt, and tryn breaks his face
MlSAKA10032 (4:38): right
   but tryn didnt get sotd
SwiftSwitch (4:38): so you fed
MlSAKA10032 (4:38): and?
SwiftSwitch (4:39): you were saying you didnt feed and it was bad luck
MlSAKA10032 (4:39): oh no, feeding one person means it all when hes the easiest to counter!
SwiftSwitch (4:39): im telling you that you should reavaluate
MlSAKA10032 (4:39): I'm telling you that you should too
   nice last game as annie br
   nice feeding
SwiftSwitch (4:39): because if you think 2/13 is just bad luck
MlSAKA10032 (4:40): it is
SwiftSwitch (4:40): i went 12/5
MlSAKA10032 (4:40): the game before i played as rammus
SwiftSwitch (4:40): 12 kills 5 deaths
MlSAKA10032 (4:40): i was 7/8
   rammus sucks early game
SwiftSwitch (4:40): not really
   taunt is op as fuck
MlSAKA10032 (4:40): yes, really
   like any AD champion
SwiftSwitch (4:40): taunt, drag into tower
   powerball so they cannot leave
MlSAKA10032 (4:41): thats not my playstyle
   i'd rather push my lane
SwiftSwitch (4:41): then you are playing wrong
MlSAKA10032 (4:41): taunt so my tryn can bash face
   then ult their tower and kill it
SwiftSwitch (4:41): your tryn is bad
MlSAKA10032 (4:41): i'm not playing "wrong"
SwiftSwitch (4:41): and sometimes you have to play defense
MlSAKA10032 (4:41): look at his match history and say he's wrong faggot
   i fucking dare you
SwiftSwitch (4:41): playing offense all the time is wrong
MlSAKA10032 (4:41): playing offense in an offensive
   during an offensive lane phase?
   you're the wrong one here
SwiftSwitch (4:42): it is not a 1 sided game
   not that simple
   as just push
   push push
MlSAKA10032 (4:42): sure it is
   thats the objective
   is to push until you destroy their nexus
   its not about kills
   its about destroying turrets
   sure, killing makes destroying turrets easier
   but killing isn't the main objective
SwiftSwitch (4:43): well you make it difficult when you have "bad luck"
MlSAKA10032 (4:43): well, i don't give a fuck about randoms i queue with
SwiftSwitch (4:43): that is obvious
MlSAKA10032 (4:43): and why should I
   you don't help me anyways
SwiftSwitch (4:43): what did you want me to do?
   gank a lane that was fed super early as a shaco
MlSAKA10032 (4:44): im not saying "you" as a direct reference
   im saying "you" as the fucking retarded randoms i get queued with
SwiftSwitch (4:44): what did you want others to do?
MlSAKA10032 (4:44): >powerball to initiate into 2v3 with us as 3
   >ping target
   >you fuckers run away
SwiftSwitch (4:44): alistar bash and nockup
   jax can leap away
   im assuming they had atleast 1 escape ability
MlSAKA10032 (4:44): >exhaust
   what escape?
   my taunt
   what escape?
   my powerballs slow
   what escape?
SwiftSwitch (4:45): then why didnt you do that?
   ask for a gank
MlSAKA10032 (4:45): because you didn't help me to
   I shouldn't have to ask
   the ping should tell you
SwiftSwitch (4:45): cause that lane looked ungankable
MlSAKA10032 (4:45): maybe because you're too bad
SwiftSwitch (4:45): well when your ping comes with constant death from your lane it makes me not want to gank
   i asked early on if anyone needed a gank
   like 5 minutes in
MlSAKA10032 (4:46): and it comes with constant death because we're lacking damage
   which i dont know
   another fucking person
SwiftSwitch (4:46): and it was already 3 kills to 0
MlSAKA10032 (4:46): could have helped with
   but NOPE
SwiftSwitch (4:46): you were pushing your lane the whole time
   no room to gank
MlSAKA10032 (4:46): what is the backdoor?
SwiftSwitch (4:46): offense right?
MlSAKA10032 (4:46): you have a fucking ranged attack
SwiftSwitch (4:46): my slow?
MlSAKA10032 (4:47): is ranged so you can quit bitching about tower diving
SwiftSwitch (4:47): im squishy as fuck
MlSAKA10032 (4:47): so? they were too
SwiftSwitch (4:47): lol
   are you joking?
MlSAKA10032 (4:47): they both had less than 50 hp at the time of the first kill
   and you didn't do shit
SwiftSwitch (4:47): 2 kills
MlSAKA10032 (4:47): it was one
SwiftSwitch (4:47): 2
MlSAKA10032 (4:48): we were both in the same are
SwiftSwitch (4:48): you both died
MlSAKA10032 (4:48): it was one
   they were both at the same time
   and i said at the TIME of the first kill
SwiftSwitch (4:48): okay assuming i do get close enough
MlSAKA10032 (4:48): goddamnit you fucking knowitall
SwiftSwitch (4:48): i would die
MlSAKA10032 (4:48): no, you wouldn't
SwiftSwitch (4:48): why not?
MlSAKA10032 (4:48): you'd take 200 damage from one tower hit
   and since your slow is RANGED
   you'd only have to take one
SwiftSwitch (4:48): also, i didnt even take my dagger as my first skill dipshit
   i take jack in the box for jungle
MlSAKA10032 (4:48): not my fault you suck at ganking
SwiftSwitch (4:49): it was level 1 you dumb cunt
   fuck off
   you are a dipshit
MlSAKA10032 (4:49): no u
SwiftSwitch (4:49): like it said
   fail troll
MlSAKA10032 (4:49): it?
   nice reference bro
   it's called I
SwiftSwitch (4:49): failure
MlSAKA10032 (4:49): also u mad
SwiftSwitch (4:49): keep feeding bro
MlSAKA10032 (4:49): learn to play
SwiftSwitch (4:49): l2troll

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 4th, 2011, 2:24 pm
by Avatar
hes terrible, but sword of the divine does little to counter jax. he can just walk out and back in after the CD is down, or store up a charge, or just lol@you anyways since he will most likely 1v1 you, and if theres more than 1 attacking, he will likely get a charge from them.

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 4th, 2011, 3:34 pm
by Light Of Darkness
Avatar wrote:hes terrible, but sword of the divine does little to counter jax. he can just walk out and back in after the CD is down, or store up a charge, or just lol@you anyways since he will most likely 1v1 you, and if theres more than 1 attacking, he will likely get a charge from them.
Or, since this is in the lane, he'll proc CS off of minions.
But you get SoTD so that he can't dodge you and so that you do more damage, not just so that he can't stun you

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 5th, 2011, 9:23 pm
by Light Of Darkness
Free kat week

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 7th, 2011, 5:42 pm
by Light Of Darkness
Check the new issue of PC Gamer that has the Arctic Caitlyn skin
"New Champion: MAGUS"
Insta-buy, Magus?

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 7th, 2011, 6:13 pm
by Magus

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 7th, 2011, 6:46 pm
by Avatar
why get troll? btw master yi is roflOP just started palying him again.

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 7th, 2011, 8:02 pm
by Light Of Darkness

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 7th, 2011, 8:05 pm
by Light Of Darkness
Avatar wrote:why get troll? btw master yi is roflOP just started palying him again.
Didn't you buy kat like the day they announced the next champ rotation

Re: So who plays league of legends

Posted: September 8th, 2011, 12:30 am
by Avatar
no my friend was impatient and didnt wait for me to set up masteries so i was like fuck it im playing TF.


because last time i bought lee sin the day before rotation and that was sucks cuz he went free to play. troll me once riot, shame on you. troll me twice, shame on me.